Three developments that create need:
- From local to national to global marketing
- From buyer needs to buyer wants
- From price to non-price competition
Most important advancement: computerized data capture systems
Marketing Information System: consists of people, equipment, & procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate & distribute needed, timely & accurate information to marketing decision makers.
Internal Records System: reports on orders, sales, prices, inventory levels, etc.
- Order-to-Payment cycle – must perform quickly & accurately; customers favor those firms that deliver on time; bills should go out promptly
- Sales Reporting System – managers need up to date information on current sales
Marketing Intelligence System: set of procedures & sources used by managers to obtain their everyday information about pertinent developments in the marketing environment.
Five things to improve marketing intelligence:
- Sales force to spot & report new developments
- Motivate distributors, retailers, & other intermediaries to pass along important intelligence
- Appoint specialists to gather marketing intelligence
- Purchase information from A.C. Neilsen or IRI
- Establish internal marketing information center
Marketing Research System:
Marketing Research – systematic design, collection, analysis & reporting of data & findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.
Suppliers of Marketing Research:
- Grad student projects
- Online information sources
- Check out rivals
- Syndicated-service firms
- Custom marketing firms
- Specialty marketing research firms
The Marketing Research Process
Step 1: Define the problem & agree on research objectives
- Required level of detail, how specific? Order of magnitude?
- Competitive issues: how easily copied by competitors, etc.
Step 2: Develop research plan
- What is most efficient plan to obtain information.
Step 3: Data sources
- Secondary data – collected for other purpose & already exist
- Primary data – collected for specific purpose or project
- Marketing Database – collection of data about customers, prospects, leads, etc. that is actionable for marketing purposes
- Research approaches:
- Observational Research: watch relevant actors & settings
- Focus group: people invited to discuss/try product
- Surveys: questionnaire
- Experimental Research: controlled environment; subjecting groups to a variety of treatments
- Research Instruments:
- Questionnaires: closed end & open-end questions
- Mechanical Testing Instruments
- Sampling plan:
- Who is to be surveyed?
- Sample size, how many people?
- Procedure, how to choose people?
- Contact Methods:
- Mail questionnaire
- Telephone interviewing
- Personal interviewing – arranged or intercept people (i.e. the mall)
Step 4: Collect the Information
- Scanners, computers, data entry
Step 5: Analyze the Information – averages, measures of dispersion
Step 6: Present the Findings to relevant parties
The Characteristics of Good Marketing Research
- Scientific Method – careful observation, generate hypothesis, prediction, testing
- Research creativity – innovative ways to solve problems
- Multiple Methods – shy away from any one method
- Interdependence of models & data – data interpreted from underlying models
- Value & cost of information – value/cost considerations
- Healthy skepticism – skepticism of assumptions
- Ethical Marketing – learn about customers needs to better serve them
Overcoming barriers to the Use of Marketing Research:
- Narrow conception – many managers see it as only a fact finding mission
- Uneven caliber of marketing researchers – perceived as clerical activity
- Late & erroneous findings
- Personality & presentational differences
Marketing Decision Support System (MDSS) – is a coordinated collection of data, system, tools, & techniques with supporting software & hardware by which an organization gathers and interprets relevant information from business & environment & turns it into a basis for marketing action.
- Models for managers to simulate marketing situations
- A variety of analysis tools (see pg. 128 for list)
- Neural Networks – “Artificial intelligence system” imitates human mind
An Overview of Forecasting & Demand Measurement
- Measures of market demand
- Product levels: all, industry, company, product line, product form, product item sales
- Space levels: World, USA, Region, Territory, Customer
- Time levels: Short run, Medium run, Long run
- Which market to measure
Market – set of all actual & potential customers- Potential market: profess sufficient level of interest in a defined market offer
- Available: consumers who have interest, income, & access to offer
- Qualified available: have interest, income, access, & qualifications for offer
- Target: part of qualified market the company decides to serve
- Penetrated market: set of consumers who have already purchased the product
A Vocabulary for Demand Measurement
- Market demand – total volume that would be bought by a defined customer group in a defined geographical area in a defined time period in a defined marketing environment under a defined marketing program
- Demand is not a fixed number, rather a function
- Market minimum – sales with no stimulation
- Market sensitivity of demand
- Expansible market – affected by level of industry expenditures
- Non-expansible market – not affected by level of industry expenditures
- Market Forecast – market demand corresponding to company marketing expenditures
- Market potential – max demand as industry expenditures approach infinity
- Company demand – estimated share of market demand at alternative levels of company marketing effort
- Company sales forecast – expected level of company sales based on a chosen marketing plan & an assumed marketing environment
- Sales quota – sales goal set for a product line, company division, or sales representative
- Sales budget – is a conservative estimate of the expected volume of sale & is used primarily for making current purchasing, production, & cash-flow decisions
- Company sales potential – sales limit approached by company demand as company marketing effort increases relative to competitors
- Total market potential – max amount of sales that might be available to all the firms in an industry during a given period under a given level of industry marketing effort & given environmental conditions
Area market potential – select best territories
- Market build-up method – identifying all the potential buyers in each market & estimating their potential purchases
Industry & Market Shares
- Company needs to know actual industry sales taking place in its market
Estimating Future Demand
- Three stage procedure to prepare sales forecast
- macroeconomic forecast
- industry forecast
- company sales forecast
- Small firms can buy macroeconomic forecasts from
- marketing research firms
- specialized forecasting firms
- futurist research firms
- All forecasts based on: what people say, what people do, what people have done
Survey of buyer’s intention:
- Anticipate what buyers will do
- Purchase probability scale
Composite of Sales Force Opinions
- Have sales force estimate future sales, then make adjustments
Expert Opinion can give forecasts
Market test method – test forecast directly in market
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