Are you a good leader


Ask yourself these questions to determine if you are a good leader or not.
Subject: Leadership
  1. Have I spelled out what’s expected in terms of results?
  2. Have I discussed these results with my subordinates?
  3. Have I told employees where they stand?
  4. Do employees understand how to do the work?
  5. Do I give employees adequate support?
  6. What have I done or not done to cultivate positive relationships?
  7. Do employees know why their jobs are important, how they fit into the overall company structure and the effects of poor performance?
  8. Do I keep employees informed on what is going on in the department and the company? (not just need-to-know items, but nice-to-know)
  9. Do employees have adequate freedom in which to work?
  10. Do I too often put employees in a defensive position regarding performance?
  11. What have I done to get employees mentally and emotionally involved in their jobs?
  12. Have I let employees participate in setting goals and deciding how to achieve them?
  13. Have good aspects of performance received adequate and periodic recognition?
  14. Have I shown adequate concern for the employees as individuals? For their personal goals?
  15. Am I willing to listen to employees and give them a chance to implement ideas and suggestions?
  16. Have I ever consciously assessed employees’ strengths and weaknesses with the idea of structuring work to capitalize on those strengths?
  17. Are employees adequately and reasonably challenged?
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